Sunday, December 20, 2009

 This world needs more people who are less satisfied.  Less satisfied with fitting into boxes and fitting molds.  Less satisfied with being defined by what we have instead of who we are.  Less satisfied by material gain and consumerism. Less satisfied with conforming and settling.  Less satisfied with more and more satisfied with less. This world needs more people who are less satisfied.

This world needs more people who are alive.  People who love what they do, who have passion, purpose, drive. People who aren't in it for fame and fortune; genuine people with genuine hearts that have been broken by things of this world and are on fire for what they stand for and what they believe in. There are far too many people who settle; settle for comfort and luxury and worldly things; settle for something they don't love, something they don't have a desire to do just because it's far easier and far more comfortable.  This world needs more people who are alive. 

This world needs less me and more we.  We have become a society that is all about ourselves. All about getting ourselves to the top and we don't care who we step on in the process.  It is about OUR time, OUR money, OUR families, OUR lives; what about the rest of the billions of people in the world; what about their time, their money, their families, their lives.  We say we want to decrease the gap between the rich and the poor but that gap is still growing; growing as we take everything-everything that we already have- for ourselves and leave the rest with nothing. This world needs less me and more we.

This world needs more hope. Everywhere you look there is death, poverty, despair, depression, a pure emptiness that plagues people.  It is enough to get you down, to dig a dark hole and bury you in it; it sits heavy on your shoulders, wears emotions thin.  It sucks the love, life and hope out of the light that tries to shine.  It is easy to get burnt out, to get bogged down and fall into that despair, to only see negative, to hate this world and what it brings. Amongst all that dark, there is hope though.  Light that is shining through despair and depression, something deeper that is filling emptiness, something revolutionary that is changing poverty. There is hope.  Hope in small deeds, hope in making a difference, hope in small acts that may change this world.  This world needs more hope.



Anonymous said...

cool post! if blogspot had a 'like' option, i would be a total nerd and click it.

thanks for your thoughts. it sounds like you and i are thinking similar things these days. keep speaking truth. i know sometimes it feels like no one is listening. but keep speaking and living your convictions. change can and will happen. keep it up!

TamaLa said...

Beautiful words and thoughts Alicia! I agree with my whole heart! Love you!