Friday, February 12, 2010

I constantly forget why I love this city.  I always get mad at it for never being what I want it to be. It's not foreign, it doesn't have the greatest transportation, it doesn't have great shopping, it's pretty average and nothing special. I've spent half my time here wishing it was something else, wishing it could be like the places I travel; new, fresh, unknown, cool-but it will never be those things. But I've realized that that's what makes me love this place.  It's comfortable, known and pretty steady, and it has the one thing that none of those other places has; it has friends, family, relationships, and community.  It isn't the things in this city that make it what it is, it's the people that I have here that makes it what it is. It's the old friends that will always be friends no matter what happens in life; it's the new friends that are helping me to redefine this city; it's the family that I have here; it's the people I see on a daily basis that constantly brighten my day. 
This city is about the people, not about the place.
I love this city.


Anonymous said...

beauty! i'll second that. nicely said.

J Thue said...

i beg to differ. i enjoy the paved roads, the breezy wind, ohanlons, and vic square mall. the people are sub par.

melissa said...

i do love it here too. and miss it when i'm gone.
i have to remind myself of this quote no matter where i am. i read it in a book.

"There's a danger in thinking joy is a matter of location. If we can't find joy where we are, we probably won't find it anywhere."

love it. and I love you.
let's do coffee.