Monday, May 10, 2010

A couple days ago it clicked in my head that this could me last summer in Regina for awhile; with finishing up my degree and looking into grad schools, it is most likely that life will take me to new places and new cities. I am kind of like Seth Cohen when it comes to Regina (yes I really did just make a reference to the OC-I miss that show)-I have been dreaming of the day when I will live somewhere else, somewhere cooler, but as it slowly comes near it's going to become harder and harder to leave. Over the last few months I have really learnt to appreciate this city and what it has to offer me. I love the size, the friends and family that I have here and the memories that this place has given me. It's home and will always be home, but I know that sooner or later it's time to move on.
Because I realized that this could be my last summer here for awhile, I've decided that I'm going to make the best of it and have the best summer ever..

Goal # 1 of summer 2010- Do everything awesome that this city has to offer (which includes but is not limited to..)
-frequent walks around Wascana lake
-ride the bike paths in Regina
-Cathedral Village Arts Festival
-attend my first ever Regina Folk Festival
-Saturday night dance parties
-Farmer's market
-explore places that I've never seen
-bridge jumping into Wascana


J Thue said...

can i join?

Alicia Slywka said...

you will be involved in all of the above and more...

melissa said...

OC reference. that is great. i also miss that show. when luca was here, she gave ryan atwood, on the season 1 box set, a big ol kiss. it was great. let me know when you are going for sushi and india food. you know i'm in. xo.